Thursday 31 December 2009

Ping Goat is Not Down

It seemed at first that Ping Goat, the blog pinging service, was down, which would be a real shame.

But it isn't really.

I think they basically got a little fed up with users simply copying and pasting the 'very long' URL, saving this as a bookmark and then once a week giving it a click, without paying any attention to their site - they do have tools!

Therefore you can fortunately still use Ping Goat to ping all your familiar sites: Technorati, Icerocket, weblogs &c. All you need to do is go to:

Notice it's a .net and not .com site now.

Simply fill in your blog details like you did first time you used this excellent pinging service and hey-presto your blogs just been pinged.


  1. steam for mac

    I've just tested Pingoat this morning, 01/06/10, and its up-and-running perfectly.

  2. It's been months since this post was uploaded and i went to as you said. The site was online BUT clicking at the links at the bottom page (ie. pingoat tools)all went to a 404. What's up with them? Are there tools or not? Hope you could post what had happened.

  3. NTBodd

    It's still there and working, but I'll just run through a few things as it has changed a little.

    Firstly make sure your going to:

    Only one 'g'.

    Now, how to get your pings.

    You probably didn't notice but the site has a frame within it - you'll notice the 2 scroll bars on the right-hand-side of your screen.

    If you scroll down with the inner scroll bar you'll see in big and bold: 'Get Started!'. From there it's pretty straight forward adding your blog details; a short cut is to click the bold red headings, as this checks all the tick boxes for each category.

    Good luck

  4. The new website is PAINFUL. In that, we now have to pay for the service and are limited with the tools. Pulling my hair out work here. But thank you for the information regardless. Much appreciated.

  5. Architect

    Thanks for bringing me back to this post, it's been a while now; but it did get me to pop across to Ping Goat this morning or should I now say:

    After testing a couple of Blog URLs I found its Ping services working well, which is all I ever wanted Ping Goat to do.

  6. Vey nice , I was looking for it and it is now at so update the post as well

    very nice post

  7. Basit

    Thanks for the info, but this has already been updated above - thanks

  8. Donkeyboots,

    Thanks for the reply. Are you saying that you are successfully pinging URLs without restriction? Or is there now a cap? When I last tried I could not ping anything at all. Kept being sent to a lovely 404 page. How is it working for you and are you now actively using the service again? Do you have a paid membership and if so is it worth the money spent in your opinion?

    Sorry for all the questions. This used to be such a great tool and service and its extremely frustrating and sad to see it change to what it is now.

    Thanks once again for all the info.

  9. Architects

    I've just tested Ping Goat, or should I say Pingler @:

    again this morning - it is a little slow (in fact really slow), but I still got results - they pinged 83 out of 83.

    But it could depend on the browser in Firefox it was painfully slow, but in Chrome you may get results - give it another go and update me with your results.

    You're right when it works it's a great service.
